P.Geetha Jeevan, the Minister for Social Welfare inaugurated inaugurated the vocational training programme at Milavitan recently in the presence of Collector G.Prakash. Tuticorin district has earned the opportunity to host the programme first among twelve other districts in Tamil Nadu in the first phase. The differently-abled would be empowered with training on computers, mobile phone servicing, tailoring and maintenance of electrical appliances.
The State government had set aside a grant of Rs. 3.45 lakh for
executing the programme, according to a press release. Through this programme
tailored for a period of six months, fifty differently-abled persons would
benefit. Those in the age group of 16 to 30 could avail this opportunity to
enhance their employment skills to lead an independent life.
Free boarding and lodging facilities would be extended for the trainees
during the schedule.
Training for the entire programme would be carried out by the
implementing agency, Lucia Society, Tuticorin, a voluntary organisation.
District Differently Abled Welfare Officer S.Ramakrishnan, Bishop Yvon
Ambrose, Fr.Maria Valan, Director of Lucia Society and N.Periyasami,
Committee Member, Tuticorin Port Trust were present. Perkmans, Head Master of
Lucia School, proposed a vote of thanks.