Kumari Palany & Co

GPS Meters for Autos to be distributed from March 2015?

Posted on: 26/Aug/2014 2:23:01 PM
It is learnt that meters which work on the GPS technology will be distributed from March, 2015.

ELCOT has undertaken the responsibility for the selection of the companies which will supply GPS meters.

Tamil Nadu will be the second state after Delhi to introduce GPS meters.

Transport Collector, Mr. Satyaprada Sahu informed:

As Delhi has already implemented the scheme of fitting autos with GPS meters, ELCOT will consult with the concerned Delhi officials before assigning the contract.

 This will take minimum 2 months. In the next stage,the selection of companies will be finalised in the next 2 months. Hence, it is expected that GPS meters for autos to be distributed after the next 6 months.

It will take just half-an-hour to fix 1 GPS meter. It is estimated that it will take approximately one-and-a-half months to fit GPS meters in all the autos in Chennai.

In Delhi, the GPS meters were handed over to the drivers who arranged to fit them. The maintenance & monitoring of GPS meters is entrusted to a private agency.

However, this procedure will not be followed in Tamil Nadu. The companies manufacturing the GPS meters will be responsible for fitting them in autos. They will also undertake the responsibility of maintenance & monitoring of the GPS meters for the first 3 years after which the government may take over.