Kumari Palany & Co

How far is your online password secure?

Posted on: 08/Sep/2014 3:00:43 PM
An analysis was recently held by a computer scientist to find out how far people can have their online passwords secured.

According to a computer scientist at the Georgia State University, it is tiresome and complicated to create secured passwords, as people want to remember their password for each one of the online account they hold.

As people have more number of internet accounts like internet banking sites, credit card portals, email accounts, shopping sites and much more, they try to choose the same password for quite some number of such online accounts.

The scientist himself finds it hard to generate multiple unique passwords and remember them all. He says he currently has around 40 such accounts needing secured passwords.

In addition to paving way for tracking them down, duplication of passwords leads to high risk. He suggests using password management tools like Keepass or Lastpass instead of using sticky notes or notepad to solve the purpose of saving passwords.

He also adds that it is equally important for the corporations who run such websites to be responsible of maintaining the password secured.