Kumari Palany & Co


Posted on: 16/Jul/2010 1:33:54 AM

Symbol designed by Dharma lingam Udaya Kumar, 31 years of age a research scholar of IIT Mumbai has been selected as the icon of Indian currency rupee. Joining the elite league of currencies with symbol, globally it’s the fifth currency after USD, British Pounds, Euro, Japanese, to have symbol. This is to be adopted in a six months’ time. The symbol will standardize the expression for the Indian rupee in different languages, both within and outside the country. This will distinguish Rupee from the currencies of Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka or Indonesia whose currencies are called Rupee or rupiah.

Uday Kumar designed symbol was selected from among people who had participated in the competition. The competition was to create a symbol that would reflect and express Indian ethos and culture.  The entries were evaluated by the jury appointed for this purpose, who had shortlisted five symbols for final selection. The panel headed by the Deputy Governor of RBI, Usha Thorat. The new symbol will be incorporated in ‘Unicode Standard,’ISO/IEC 10646 and IS 13194

Dharmalingam Udaya Kumar bagged a prize of Rupees Two Lakh Fifty Thousand as winner and other runners got Rs 25000. The other finalist are Jitesh Padmashali , an Advertising professional, J Irani , a Designer,  Nandita C. Mehrotra , Lecturer in Architectural  Design  at MIT , daughter of well know architect Charles  Correa and Shibin K , a teacher from Kerala.

Udaya Kumar hails from Tondiarpet, Chennai born to Jayalaksmi and Dharmalingam. Mr. Dharma lingam is former DMK MLA.  Udaya Kumar did his schooling in La Chateleine, Chennai .Graduated in Architecture from Anna University. He did is Post graduation in IIT Mumbai, has completed Ph.D in Evaluation of the Tamil typography through the ages.

What finally clinched in favour of his design was the usage of Devanagiri script. According to Udaya Kumar the design was based on the Tri colour with two lines at the top and white space in between. He wanted it to represent Indian flag. A blend of Roman letter ‘R’ and Devenagiri script ‘Ra’ which represents rupiah, he said.