Kumari Palany & Co

Air-passengers are too tech-savvy, say study reports

Posted on: 06/Oct/2014 3:07:29 PM
Most population of air travelers is found to be fond of technology. They get imbibed using smart watches or smart glasses which greatly help during travel time, say a global survey.

Geneva based aviation communication, aviation journal Air Transport World, and IT firm Societe Internationalede Telecommunications Aeronautiques (SITA) reported that out of total surveyed population, 77% passengers are found comfortable using a wearable technology during travel, andt his seems to help them hugely.

The survey sampled 6277 passengers which included passengers travelling through top 30 airports across the globe. It aimed at reporting how the passengers are turning tech-savvy. Nearly all passengers or about 97% of them carried a smartphone, laptop or tablet during travel. 1 out of 5 carried all the three!

Passengers are also in need of access to technology, and most of them have it already. Airline apps are widely in use by 76% travelers and 43% of them find a considerable improvement in travelling with it.

Nearly half of the surveyed population wanted to were read to invest on technology as it helped easy comparison of air fares.