The Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu released a report under the Act 110 on 12th August, 2014.
The contractor of construction workers is responsible for providing temporary staying arrangements. However, in practice, these are not safe.
Hence, the government has initiated a project where arrangements for stay will be provided for contract construction employees – for 5000 employees in 5 centres in suburban areas in the city of Chennai, and arrangement for 500 employees in the districts of Trichy, Salem, Madurai, and Coimbatore at a cost of Rs. 106 Crores.
Whenever, female employees are engaged, children care centre must be provided. However, this is not followed.
Hence, 50 Anganwadis are planned for them to ensure better nutrition and growth of the children of contraction workers. Proper food for children between the ages of 6 months to 36 months, pulses, grains, vegetables and nutritious food for children between the the ages of 3 & 5 will be provided. Eggs will be served on all Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Split gram will be provided on Tuesdays and potato on Fridays.
School facility for the children between the ages of 2 to 5 , medical testing. Preventive vaccinations and vitamin tablets will be provided.
15 mobile hospitals in the Chennai city for the construction workers will reach the employees’ work site and offer medical service. Similarly, 35 mobile hospitals are planned for the districts. These will cost Rs. 20 Crores.
The government has asked for the immediate scrutiny and implementation of this project.
The secretary of Labour welfare and employment opportunities, Mr. Veershanmugamani, has released this order.