Kumari Palany & Co

Candidate photos in the election ballot papers

Posted on: 31/Mar/2015 11:13:25 AM
The Election Commission has mentioned that ballot papers will also carry pictures of the contestants besides their names and party symbols in order to avoid confusion in the minds of the electorate in constituencies where namesakes are contesting.
Although appropriate suffixes are added to the names of candidates in the event of two or more candidates having same name, the Commission considers that additional measures are required for removing confusion in the minds of electors at the time of voting.
Having considered all aspects of the matter, the Commission in partial modification of its existing directions under Rule 22, 30 and Rule 49 B of the Conduct of Elections Rules, 1961, has specified that for elections to be held from May 1, 2015 onwards, the postal ballot papers, the ordinary ballot papers and the ballot papers to be displayed on the balloting unit of EVM in addition to the particulars as per the existing directions, also contain the photograph of the candidate.  The photograph of the candidate should be printed in the panel for the name of the candidate and to appear on the right side of the name in between the name and symbol of the candidate.  The size of the photograph printed on the ballot paper shall be 2 cm.*2.5 cm. (two cm. in breadth and 2.5 cm. in height).