Groundwater in the city has gone up by 0.25 m after the rain in July. Metro water has now fixed 4137 had pumps across the city, keeping this in mind.
The quality of groundwater has also improved. The count of total dissolved solids (TDS) has gone down by 200 part per million (ppm). For example, the TDS count has gone down from 1000 ppm to 800 ppm in Ambattur, and from 500 ppm to 300 ppm in Madhavaram.
The TDS in water should be below 500 ppm to make it suitable for drinking. Water that has a count of 2000 ppm is unfit for any consumption. Water that has high TDS may have an unpleasant taste or smell or both. TDS comprises of minerals, salts and metals and is derived from groundwater. The dissolved solids may come from organic sources such as leaves, silt and plankton; or from industrial waste, sewage, fertilizers and pesticides. It may also come from inorganic sources such as rocks; the air may also contain calcium bicarbonate, nitrogen, sulphur and other minerals. Metals such as lead and copper can be picked up as the water travels through pipes.
Experts say, `The efficacy of water purification systems in removing total dissolved solids come down over time, so it is highly recommended to monitor the quality of a filter or membrane and replace them when required`.