The Indian Railways has reached 4.51 lakh followers on Twitter and more than 3.8 lakh followers on Facebook. Officials of the Railways Ministry said that they have made great effort in trying to reach out to the public through social media, and have engaged with passengers and other customers successfully. The Twitter and Facebook pages of the Railways give information that may be useful to passengers. In addition, it shares new policies, new ideas, innovations that may have been developed, new infrastructure developments and also anecdotes and achievements.
All the Divisional Railway Managers (DRM) and General Managers (GM) of the Railways have their own official handles on social media. This enables them to come up with real time solutions. These officials are in charge of day to day functioning in passenger and freight operations. The handles may be accessed on the Railway Ministry`s Twitter handles, its Facebook page or on the Railways website
An official said, The focus is on maintaining the best-possible connect with the public to collect passenger feedback and address grievances in a transparent manner The strongest feature of the twitter handle, RailMinIndia, is its responsiveness to the grievances and suggestions offered by its followers.’