Chennai Corporation`s council meeting took place in Ripon Buildings yesterday. Mayor Saidai Duraisamy chaired the meeting in the presence of Assistant Commissioner T G Vinay. In the meeting it gave its nod for a Rs 290.99 crore project to merge the two existing flyovers on Usman Road and extend one of them to build an Anna Salai-Mahalingapuram connector that will stretch for 1.75km. Parts of the North Usman Road flyover and South Usman Road flyovers will be demolished, at the Kodambakkam High Road junction and at the Duraisamy Road junction, to form one long flyover.
The South Usman Road flyover will be extended to the junction of South West Boag Road. Three pedestrian subways will come up at the Burkit Road junction, near Pothys and near GRT Jewellers. Mayor Saidai S Duraisamy sounded excited while announcing approval for the project during the council meet. “From Anna Salai, commuters can reach Mahalingapuram in two minutes,“ he declared