Some people like their food quite spicy and hot. So, they tend to add more chillies while preparing the food.
It is advisable to include extra chillies in food especially for those who are interested in reducing body weight. This helps reduce the body weight. There are a lot more benefits to be derived in taking spicy hot food items.
It is established that taking spicy hot food with more chillies helps prevent accumulation of unwanted fats in the body. A research established that an element called capsaicin contained in chillies increases the body heat level helping burn more calories leading to body weight reduction.
By including chilly in the food, we can prevent the accumulation of excess fat in the blood. Hot food tends to keep a feeling of content. It increases the production of hormone serotonin, reduces short temper/anger, calms the mind and improves the general body and mind condition. It has been established by research that including chilly in the food helps reduce blood pressure. The research also established that this helps the relaxation of blood veins.