Air India has come up with four schemes for travellers for the festive season. In an official statement, the national carrier said that the offers are up for grabs between November 1 and December 31.
The Executive Class Bonanza is offered to executive class passengers who fly the domestic sectors, except between Chennai and Bengaluru. Those flying four times on the domestic Metro Network between Nov. 1 and Dec. 31 can avail a business class ticket one way. If they travel six times, they will get a free ticket for a round trip.
Women executives and flyers can avail a 25% discount on the base fare if they travel on business class. They will need to produce a business card or ID proof copy for the same.
Offers are available for economy class passengers as well. Those who fly four times on the metro sectors - Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Hyderabad - within seven consecutive days can get an executive class upgrade voucher. The vouchers can be used while checking in at the AI counters. However, they can be produced only after flying four time.
Executive class passengers also have the option of participating in a weekly lucky draw and a mega lucky draw, that will have exciting prizes.