Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Ms. Jayalalithaa had announced in the Legislative Assembly a few days ago that An ‘Arts & Science’ College will be newly started in R K Nagar, Chennai.
Accordingly, the Chief Minister has now allotted Rs. 8 Crores for the construction new building for the college. A recent press release from the state government of Tamil Nadu:
With Ms. Jayalalithaa as the Chief Minister, the state government of Tamil Nadu has been giving top priority to the field of education and has bee carrying out various plans on this front.
In the last 4.5 years, 53 colleges including 4 government engineering colleges have been started in the state of Tamil Nadu. Further, 959 new courses with new syllabus have been introduced in the government arts and science colleges.
With this kind of top priority given to the field of education, student admission which was 18% in the year 2011 has now exceeded 42.8% and stands first in this from in the country.
Chief Minister Ms. Jayalalithaa had announced in the Legislative Assembly that a new Arts & Sciences College will be started in Dr. Radhakrishnan Nagar in Chennai. The college will be located at a place owned by Chennai Corporation in Tondiarpet temporarily to facilitate start functioning from the Academic Year 2015-16.
Chief Minister Ms. Jayalalithaa has allotted a total amount of Rs, 82857800/- for the construction of the new college in R K Nagar. This would include running expenses for appointing 11 teachers and 17 non-teaching staff (Rs. 77.78 Lakhs), running expenses on buying furniture, books, computers, etc (26.50 Lakhs), and for the construction of the new building (Rs. 7.125 Lakhs).