It had been announced that the last date for applying for the written test for Group-2 cadre of TNPSC was 11th November.Now, this deadline has been extended.
The last date for applying for the written test for Group-2 cadre of TNPSC will be 18th November.
Since the application for the tests announced by TNPSC written tests can be made only after permanent registration and payment of permanent registration fee, the deadline for the application has been extended.
Originally, the last date for Group-2 written tests was scheduled as 11th November. Now, it has been extended to 18th November.
Those who had already made permanent registration can now enter their ID and password and register in the latest format for registration to fill up their personal details and apply for the written examinations.
Group-2 written test are to be conducted for combined subordinate services with 1863 vacancies to be filled up without personal interviews.
This written test is scheduled on 27th December.