The Koyambedu market in Chennai receives loads of veggies from various parts of the country including Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and others. Price of veggies including onions, tomatoes, etc were very low around the ending days of December 2015. However, on Saturday, the 2nd January 2016, onions, tomatoes, lady`s finger and many other veggies skyrocketed in price. The price hike was of the range Rs 5 to Rs 20 per kilogram.
In the wholesale market, tomato was priced Rs 18 per kg last week. This is now sold at Rs 32. Similarly, carrot was Rs 55, but now it is Rs 80. Due to sudden surge in rates in wholesale market, small level retailers had to hike price of the range 40 percent.
Speaking about this, Soundarajan, a consultant at Koyambedu wholesale market retailers said the market receives 250 to 280 tonnes of vegetables in the past four weeks, following heavy showers. There is no significant change in the volume received. However, due to festival season due to New Year and other special eves, the need for veggies has increased by 50 percent. Hence it has resulted in price hike, he added.