Actor Vijay Sethupathi has been running faster and faster with his hands full of projects and he seems to have become the safest and luckiest bet for all his producers, distributors and exhibitors. The actor was supposed to have his romantic comedy titled Kadhalum Kadandhu Pogum directed by Nalan Kumarasamy on February 12, but now it looks like there could be some change in the release schedule.
Meanwhile, we hear it affirmed by the advertisements that, Vijay Sethupathi`s other release Sethupathi, directed by Arun Kumar of Pannaiyarum Padminiyum fame that it will be hitting screens on February 19. Maybe, if situations persist, it will be a same like repeating Vijay Sethupathi back to back releases that happened before a year like Rummy and Pannaiyarum Padminiyum.