The central government has issued a stringent warning to the public about the latest virus plaguing a part of our world, Zika regarding foreign travel.
The virus zika is causing havoc in countries like America, Brazil, New Zealand, etc.
The central Minister for Health, Mr. Prakash Natta held an emergency meeting with concerned officials regarding preventing of zika virus spreading in India.
After the meeting, the central government has issued a warning report about zika virus.
The report lists 24 countries affected by this virus.
Pregnant have been cautioned not to undertake visits to countries affected by zither.
Warning has been issued to conduct thorough checking of the Indians returning to India after visits abroad.
Thorough checking & treatment should be given if the returning Indians are found affected by the virus.
Just as in the case of Dengue & Chickenguniya viruses, zika also spreads only through mosquitoes.
No medicines have been found so far.
The people who are worst affected by this virus are pregnant women.
It is reported that zika affected pregnant ladies give birth to children with smaller heads and without proper brain growth. However, this is yet to be confirmed medically.
However, the pregnant ladies in countries like America, Brazil, etc have been stringently warned to be cautious.