Who (World Health Organisation) has proclaimed an International Emergency Situation following the news that the latest harmful virus Zika is spreading very fast across the world.
Following the ailments dengue & Chickengunya caused by mosquitoes, the latest ailment found is zika, which is also caused by mosquito bite.
The news about zika virus was first found during 1947 when this virus attacked the monkeys in Uganda Forests.
After this, zika virus attacked humans in 1952 in Uganda & Tanzania.In recent times, zika virus attacked people in Pacific countries during the years 2007 & 2013.
After this, zika has attacked South American countries Brazil & Colombia and Africa.
It was established that zika virus is prevalent in 13 American countries.Several infants have born with physical deformities in the last few months in Brazil.
The infants are born with small heads and deformity in brain.
As 3500 infants have born like this, scientists are engaged in serious analysis whether this is linked with zika virus.
WHO has issued warning that there is a good scope that zika may spread all over America. There is also the alarm that zika may spread across the entire world.
So far, none of the patients attacked by zika virus has been cured. There are no vaccines for this.
In this scenario, there is nos news until now that zika virus has attacked anywhere in India.
The Emergency Meeting of WHO was conducted yesterday (Monday, 1st February).
After the meeting, WHO has proclaimed a State of Emergency.
Since the year 2007, WHO has declared State of Emergency on 3 occasions because of the (dengue), Ebola, and Polio. With zika virus attack, WHO has declared the state of emergency for the 4th time since 2007.