Kumari Palany & Co

Beware of spyware on your Android

Posted on: 06/Feb/2016 12:55:45 PM
How far do you love your Android phone? The phone has equal amount of good and bad. There are several problems with this platform just the way iOS on iPhone has. Of all troubles, the issue of security is growing large. If you have Lollipop or Marshmallow platforms on your Android, you can be pretty sure of security. 

There are a few bugs that come some loopholes which can be easily exploited by cyber criminals. However, these are for the operating systems. Problems with Android leave space for misuse of features. You may have experienced fake prompts if you have clicked on a torrent or game cheat site or adult website. 

There will be prompts that your system is running slow even if you have invested about two lakh rupees. These also give you options to run free anti-virus scan or fee fine tuning. If you happen to click on such pop-ups, an adware will get installed or pave way for virus or spyware to enter.

Such pop-ups are getting too common on Android. The chances for such pop-ups is common when the site you are browsing takes excuse in some way. This may be due to ad network that the site is running or there may be other serious or severe breach. Regardless of the reason, you will keep getting fake security prompt.

All such prompts are created in a clever manner. There is no way in which you can dismiss them. These pretend to be authentic and from Google.

There will be instructions in alarming language stating that the world is about to end and that the only way to prevent is by clicking yes.

The best way to deal with such situations is to click back button on your Android phone. If this fails to work, click on Home button. After reaching your home screen, close all those browser windows.

By clicking on the pop-up you find on your phone, you will have troubles in it. These will largely affect your data. No matter what these tell you, your phone doesn`t have any virus in it or these pop-ups do not know what you have surfed or whether you have visited a porn site. Do not fall for such indications or blackmailing done persuading to install an app or spyware. When you get such a pop-up next time, never click on yes.te