According to Tamil Nadu Chief Minister`s orders a job fair was organized for the flood affected by the State Labour Department, the Tamil Nadu Skill Development Corporation and TN Slum Clearance Board at D B Jain College in Thoraipakkam on Saturday.
195 organizations come forward for recruitment. From domestic work to front office jobs, there was a profile suiting almost every single person walking into the fair. More than 6,000 got themselves enrolled during the day-long event and 560 were offered on-the-spot jobs. The remunerations began at Rs 6,000 a month to as much as Rs 30,000.
The fair was organized to help rehabilitated flood victims and those already living in resettlement areas, most of which lie in remote parts of the city - Kannagi Nagar, Ezhil Nagar and Perumbakkam. Many non-degree holders queued up for jobs with consultancies and housekeeping agencies.