Making an announcement at the assembly, chief minister of Tamil Nadu, J Jayalalitha said senior citizens can travel in metropolitan buses from 24th of this month. As per article 110, the chief minister said their party had promised to offer free metropolitan bus travel for senior citizens. As a move to fulfill this promise, the scheme is set to get launched by 24th of this month. Accordingly, those aged above 60 are free to travel in non-AC metropolitan buses. Ten such tokens will be provided to the senior citizens. These tokens are to be handed over to the conductor for enjoying free journey.
Those interested in getting these tokens can fill the required form and attach a photograph with it to get an identity card and tokens. The application form is made available on the official website of metropolitan transport department. It can be downloaded from there. Or these can also be collected at bus depots. The filled forms are to be submitted at the respective bus depots and you can obtain identity cards and tokens.
Details of bus depots where these forms are available will be announced on the official site of the department. There is no deadline for submission of application. Those who want to avail this service can submit it whenever they require.
This scheme will come into practice from 24th of February 2016. On observing the acceptance of this scheme by the public, further expansion will be done, stated Jayalalitha.