Kumari Palany & Co

More than 70 thousand dead persons list of Chennai district pasted in poll booths

Posted on: 26/Feb/2016 11:54:26 AM
In a statement issued by Chennai Corporation it has been mentioned:
Special drive for purification of electoral rolls was done in the 16 assembly constituencies of Chennai District. Duplicate entries has been deleted and a separate list has been prepared. Similarly the   names of who have been found to be dead have been deleted and a separate list has been prepared. 
The list has been put up in all the concerned poll booths. Political parties connected with the poll booths can collect these copies. If there are any discrepancies in the list, objections can be raised. There are 63,970 deleted names in the list. These lists have been displayed in all electoral offices and corporation zonal offices No 4,5,6,8,9,10 and 13. The list has also been given to all the housing welfare association. The list has also been uploaded in Chennai Corporation website www.chennaicorporation.gov.in