In view of the Bible Convention to be conducted at Elavur by the Divine Mercy Retreat Centre from 01.04.2016 to 03.04.2016, the following EMU trains running between MMC - Gummidipundi have been extended to run upto Elavur and back.
Train No.42011 MMC - Gummidipundi EMU local, scheduled to leave MMC at 08.50 hrs., will run upto Elavur. It will reach Elavur at 10.35 hrs.
In the return direction, the EMU special will leave Elavur at 10.45 hrs. and reach Gummidipundi at 10.51 hrs. (Train No.42020 Gummidipundi - MMC EMU local, scheduled to leave Gummidipundi at 10.50 hrs., will leave late by 5 minutes.)
Train No.42025 MMC - Gummidipundi EMU local, scheduled to leave MMC at 15.10 hrs., will run upto Elavur. It will reach Elavur at 16.51 hrs.
In the return direction, the EMU special will leave Elavur at 17.00 hrs. and reach Gummidipundi at 17.06 hrs. (Train No.42034 Gummidipundi - MMC EMU local, scheduled to leave Gummidipundi at 17.00 hrs., will leave late by 7 minutes.)