Kumari Palany & Co

Policemen who are above 50 years should not be posted for traffic duty

Posted on: 25/Apr/2016 2:27:52 PM
Doctors have advised that policemen who are aged above 50 years should not be deployed in traffic works since the summer heat has crossed 100 degrees in Tamil Nadu.
Day by day the impact of the heat is increasing in Tamil Nadu. The temperature in Chennai, Vellore, Trichy, Madurai, Salem, Dharmapuri and Kovai districts has crossed 100 degree Fahrenheit. During the day there is severe heat wave. To escape the impact of heat, people drink cool drinks or eat fresh fruits. Some escape in to A/C rooms. 
But the traffic police who are serving the public do not take any precautions during the hot summer. No special arrangements have been made for them.
When asked about this to a police man in Thiruvanmiyur, he said, In order to prevent the summer heat, we are given pad head which is made in paper.  A small umbrella is given. Everyday four sachets of buttermilk are given. If we try to avoid sun and take rest and there will be heavy traffic congestion.
Another traffic policeman in Guindy said, Daily there is four hour duty and four hour rest and another four hour duty. We are working four hours a day. When we are standing in the direct sun in the road, we should be provided with big umbrellas. If we want water, we should go to the nearby shop. Steps should be taken to provide water cans at duty spots.”
A traffic cop in Velacherry said, Due to hot sun, we get headache, giddiness and vomiting. Some policemen sit down because of the severe heat. Four hours duty should be reduced to two hours. We are being given butter milk sachets. Instead of this, if we are given money we can buy the fruits we like. 
When asked a traffic constable in St Thomas Mount, he said,  Like the hats, it would be better if we are supplied with cooling glasses. Water cans also should be supplied.
Dr Raghunandan, who is the Head of Community Medicine at Rajiv Gandhi Government General Hospital and senior professor Dr Sivaram Kannan said, The traffic policemen standing in the sun will sweat more and this will create dehydration. Because of this brain, kidneys and heart and liver will be affected. Due to high heat, the eyes will also be affected. If one swoons down due to heat, he should be rushed to the nearby hospital and given treatment. If delayed there is no guarantee for his life. Policemen who stand in the sun should see that his tongue does not get parched. 4 to 5 litres of water should be drunk daily. Avoid spicy and oily food. Vegetables like radish which has high water content should be included in the food. Lots of fruits should be taken. Tender coconut water and butter milk should be consumed. Fruit juices should be consumed. Policemen who are above 50 years should not be posted for traffic duty. They cannot bear the brunt of heat.