The Nithyananda ashram on Thursday filed a police complaint accusing Sun Network owner Kalanidhi Maran and its top executive of morphing and telecasting visuals showing the controversial spiritual guru in a compromising position with an actress last year.
In the complaint filed with the city Police Commissioner J K Tripathy, the Bangalore .headquartered Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam also sought action against Maran and Hansraj Saxena holding them responsible for the network staff`s "trespass" into their ashrams at various places and alleged assault of inamtes.
Talking to reporters, Dhyanapeetam`s Nityasarvananda said, "On March 3, 2010, Sun TV aired footage that caused defamation to our organisation. So we have filed a case against Kalanidhi Maran and Hansraj Saxena."
Nithyananda was arrested last year after various channels telecast the purported video footage which the ashram had described as a "conspiracy" to malign his reputation. Nithyananda also faced criminal charges including rape, was arrested from Himachal Pradesh after remaining elusive for several weeks. The case registered in this connection is pending in a court in Ramanagara near Bangalore.