Kumari Palany & Co

Counselling services in CBSE schools to be mapped out

Posted on: 11/May/2016 2:22:42 PM
CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education) will map guidance and counselling services that are available across all their affiliated schools in the country. The Board has sent a circular asking its schools to fill a relevant questionnaire. 

Speaking about this, the Senior Principal of a city school said, Counsellors in schools (are) an absolute necessity. Most CBSE schools in the city have complied with the rule and our school has two full time counsellors as well. Apart from identifying and helping children with learning difficulties as well as other issues, remedial action is taken by them. They would be available to talk to the school students ahead of the declaration of results during the end of May.

Another school principal from the city stated that while many schools did have counsellors, they should also ensure that their numbers are in proportion to the number of students. If there is only one person, it becomes impossible for them to look at over 3,000 students or so. There also needs to be a proper contact established in the schools which already have counsellors between them and the parents.

In 2014, CBSE had made counsellors in schools mandatory. Apart from this, it’s schools offer counselling services, including telephonic and online counselling, which the board provides, both pre-exam and post-result. The circular that was sent out said, The exercise (will) be carried out to gauge the need and scope of support services available across the schools as social, interpersonal, physical and emotional problems which the students go through need to be resolved.