Kumari Palany & Co

How to make the most of every day

Posted on: 13/May/2016 9:43:39 AM
Every day is a gift. Try to get as much as you can from it. Heres how. 

Everyone has stress that stems out of many things, whether it be family or home or work. What everyone knows, but does not practice, is that stress just causes you more grief. The grief gets you mentally as well as physically. When stress, try to laugh. Unwind by watching your favourite comedy show or call up friends and talk about things that make you laugh. According to some research, there is an increase of oxygen flow into your organs every time you laugh. This increases the blood flow, reducing stress. 

Scientific studies have shown that spending time with your pet even for a few minutes helps your body release hormones like serotonin, prolactin, and oxytocin, that make you feel good. The release of these hormones lowers blood pressure and anxiety, and also increases immunity. 

Too much clutter at home or your work space is a reason for feeling bogged down. This, in turn, leads to stress. People also experience unwanted anxiety when they live in constantly messy surroundings. To de stress, de clutter. Begin with de cluttering a small space and move on to bigger things gradually. 

An everyday chore that will make you feel better is doing the housework. Listen to music while cleaning so that it doesn’t feel like a chore. Make a list of things that need to be done and start working. While you de stress, you will also be burning calories.