Kumari Palany & Co

Tips to stick to your diet

Posted on: 23/May/2016 10:20:46 AM
Always feel like you’ve needed your diet before you’ve started it? Eating right is the key to a long and healthy life. Here are a few ways to help you stick to your diet. 

Research has shown that if you start your diet on a Sunday, chances are that you will lose the most amount of weight. Tuesday is the worst day to start a diet.

Eat food that contrasts with the colour on your plate. For example, pasta with red sauce on a white plate, or curd rice on a dark coloured plate. Studies have proved that you serve yourself and eat 21 percent lesser when you do this. 

Use a big fork or spoon. Researchers say that a big fork helps you gauge how much you`ve eaten better than a small one. 

Don’t watch cooking shows. Studies have shown that watching food related TV programs 
when dieting results in the intake of 60 percent more snacks as compared to non dieters. 

With each meal, add only one starch item. This includes rice, bread, pasta, even potatoes. 
Too many carbohydrates can spike your blood sugar, making you hungrier later. 

Have fibre rich foods for breakfast. This will include whole grains such as oats or whole 
wheat toast. This helps curb mid morning hunger pangs. 

While on a diet, eat every 4 hours. This will keep your appetite in check. If you wait longer for your next meal, you will be hungrier and more likely to over eat. 

Always keep healthy snacks in a place you can reach - the glove compartment of your car, 
you bag, your office drawer. When you are feeling hungry between meals, munch on a
 granola bar or a small packet of nuts.