Kumari Palany & Co

Accident-free day to be observed tomorrow

Posted on: 09/Jul/2016 3:00:23 PM
Accident free day is  to be observed tomorrow. A special drive with intensive vehicle checking to create awareness for motorists will be done by the police. The drive is expected to start from 8 am and continue until 8 pm. 
Motorists are advised to carry all documents pertaining to their vehicles and the drivers and to co-operate with police during vehicle check.
Ten-point appeal of the city police: 
  • Drive with consciousness about road safety.
  • Follow all traffic rules.
  • Do not drink and drive.
  • Do not use cell phones or be distracted while driving.
  • Wear Helmets while riding two wheelers.
  • Avoid triple riding.
  • Do not over speed or rash drive.
  • Respect and give way for pedestrians.
  • Do not allow minors or persons without proper driving license to drive your vehicle.
  • Educate your near and dear ones on road safety and convey the message of Accident Free Day  to everyone.