The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) today conducted raids at the premises of former Telecom Minister Dayanidhi Maran after registering a case against him in connection with the controversial Aircel-Maxis deal.
The raids began at around 8am when eight CBI officials entered Dayanidhi`s house.
Raids are simultaneously taking place at Sun TV offices and the office of Aircel-Maxis and in Hyderabad and Delhi.
"CBI has registered case against Maran brothers, Ralph Marshall and T Anandkrishnan and three companies under section 120b of IPC read with 13(2) with 13 (1)(d) and also section 7 and 12 of the Prevention of Corruption Act. Case was registered on October 9. Searches were conducted at Delhi and Chennai," CBI spokesperson Dharini Mishra said here.