Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa was admitted to the hospital on September 22 with complaints of fever and dehydration. On a day when there were intensified concerns about the health of Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalithaa, Apollo Hospitals flew in Dr. Richard John Beale, Consultant Intensivist at the London Bridge Hospital, to assess her condition.
Intensivist Dr Richard John Beale from London Bridge Hospital, UK, returned to Chennai to join the team of doctors, including specialists from All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, in treating Tamil Nadu chief minister J Jayalalithaa.
The team of doctors comprising intensivists, cardiologists, respiratory physicians, infectious disease specialists and diabetologists, drew up a detailed medical management plan keeping in view her diabetes and winter bronchitis in inclement weather.
According to sources, Dr. Richard John Beale, Consultant Intensivist at the London Bridge Hospital will make his third visit to Tamil Nadu, and this time, he will be here for five days to treat her. The chief minister is showing steady improvement. During the last visit of Beale, the Apollo medical team treating Jayalalithaa drew a detailed action plan in consultation with him and it is being continued,