Though various road developments like widening of roads and flyovers were built, the accidents rates are not coming down. In 2015, Tamil Nadu registered a total of 69,059 accidents. Out of this 15,642 were dead. In Tamil Nadu, Chennai had the highest number of fatalities with 886 people losing their lives, followed by Coimbatore with 238, and Tiruchi, where 156 people succumbed to road accidents.
Speaking about this IIT assistant professor Geetha Krishnan said: Deaths and accidents have increased at a time vehicles have also increased. Like in developing countries new innovative methods should be introduced by the transport officials in our country. To make a study about accidents we have chosen 10 accident prone districts. 20 of our IIT students have been conducting study at Chennai, Kancheepuram, Villupuram, Vellore, Krishnagiri, Salem, Coimbatore, Tiruppur, Dindigul and Erode Districts for the last 10 days. We have prepared a list of narrow roads and other curvy roads in the districts. In highway junctions, people have removed the barricade and are using the road. This results in accidents of the speeding vehicles. Majority of accidents happen because of this. We will be submitting the entire report to the police and transportation departments. This will be useful for Tamil Nadu Government to make certain alterations in the traffic designs.