Kumari Palany & Co

Landmark launches the book - The Incredible Banker

Posted on: 05/Nov/2011 3:37:01 AM
Landmark in association with Rupa Publishers will host the launch of the book The Incredible Banker by Mr. Ravi Subramanian on 4th November 2011 at Landmark, Citi Centre, Chennai.

Greater Boston Global Bank (GB2) seemed to be like any other foreign bank with losses in its Retail banking business, mind numbing politicking amongst the honchos, aggressive loan sales guys battling the listless credit folks. Till it all changed one day when Ronald McCain, CEO of GB2 is hurriedly pulled out of his morning team huddle and summoned by the RBI Governor. What ensued there on was something Ronald was least prepared for. It is unbelievable that something so catastrophic can transpire in a well-established organisation which is considered as Father of all banks. Ronald has no answers. When the CBI lands up at Deepak Sarup’s doors trailing the scent of the same scandal, Ronald decides to distance the bank leaving Deepak, a senior executive, to fight his own battles.
The story is about Karan, Deepak`s one time adversary and now a Journalist, bails him out or not, his girlfriend Savitha stands by him or not and if his family, CBI, the nation trusts his word or not. An intriguing tale of love, politics, unbridled aggression and money laundering, The Incredible Banker is the last in the trilogy of banking chronicles.