The Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission has given various new guidelines and instructions to the candidates.
Usage of whitener, sketch pens, pencil, colour pencils, multi colour pens, Crayons or any other writing materials, for any purpose are banned. Writing religious symbol, writing their name, signature, phone number, Cell phone number, initials, address and writing any other name, initial or address in the answer book other than the one given in the Question Paper or in the answer book or in the General Instructions are also totally prohibited. Candidates who do not adhere to the above will be disqualified.
All the Tamil Nadu government departments’ vacant posts are being filled by the TNPSC. The instructions to the candidates have already been given. Now modified instructions which runs upto 53 pages has been uploaded in the Commission website
Some of the instructions which can disqualify a candidate are as under:
Copying from another applicant in the examination hall
Permitting others to copy from his answer sheet
Copying from books or notes which are Printed /Typewritten / hand written will also lead to debarment of the applicants for such a period as the Commission may decide.
Seeking the help/assistance of any official / hall supervisor in answering question in examination hall.