For companies like Adobe or Wacom, implementing digital canvas has largely helped drawing and art creation in fetching millions of dollars. However, there could be no replacement to self-creations made with ink filled pens on papers - no digital way can equalize its output.
Cracking the above statement is the entry of Line-us, a little drawing robot that does exactly the same job.
Durrell Bishop and Robert Poll has created Line-us. The first 1000 of these machines are funded by Kickstarter. There are 28 days left for the global funding to end. Within this, the funding goal is already reached.
What is Line-us?
This is a small machine that can hold a pen and sketch drawings. For this, the machine functions on an app and built-in Wi-Fi. This machine has a magnetic base on which a metal plate is mounted, enabling it to securely get placed on papers in sketchbook. Line-us receives power using USB cable that can be connected to a USB battery pack.
What is possible with Line-us?
With this app, you can make any drawing and make Line-us draw exactly the same picture using a pen on paper. This sketch will be open to all the other Line-us robots where the same drawing can be made too. Say, you have a message to be sent home, simply write it on the app and this can be sketched on a paper at the receiving end, your home.
This might not sound useful, but a fun way of sharing information.