India’s leading Telecom Company Bharti Airtel has announced an offer called Airtel Surprises for its subscribers. Airtel has announced this in order to mark celebration of its crossing 2 million home broadband subscriber milestone.
Hemanth Kumar Guruswamy, CEO-Airtel has mentioned: We are very happy that we have got 2 million subscribers. . Therefore, we are delighted to bring the latest Airtel Surprises for them.
Telecom Regulatory Authority of India has mentioned that the Airtel crossed the 2 million fixed line broadband subscriber mark in November. Under Airtel Surprises offer, all existing Airtel home broadband customers will get free additional monthly data. Customers can also enjoy free access to Airtel Movies, which has a collection of over 10,000 popular.
To avail of the offers of Airtel Surprises, customers need to log on to broadbandsurprises section on the Airtel website and unlock their surprise.