There are many herbs locally and easily available for us. These herbs have the property to cure many complaints without any side-effects.It is worth knowing about the medicinal properties of radish.
Radish protects from a range of diseases.It contains Vitamin C and other nutrients. It strengthens the liver.
It removes the toxic elements from our body and prevents cancer. We can prepare a concoction using radish to strengthen the liver:
Radish, cumin seeds, and turmeric.
Make 2 teaspoons of radish paste. Mix it with half-a-teaspoon of cumin seeds and a quarter teaspoon of turmeric. Make a smooth paste. Dissolve it in a glass of water. Boil and then filter. Store it in an air-tight container,
Take this concoction once a week. This will strengthen the liver. It will simulate good appetite. Radish has got a range of medicinally beneficial properties and removes the toxic elements from the liver. It is the right medicine for inflammation of the liver.
Radish also has the property to cleanse the blood. It prevents jaundice. It cleanses the digesting channels. It cures constipation.
A medicine to cure menstruation-related complaints can be made with radish. The required ingredients are Radish seeds, black cumin seeds, and brown sugar lumps.
Buy a spoon of radish seeds powder available at the local herbal medicine shops. Mix it with half-a-teaspoon of black cumin seeds and a little of brown sugar. Dissolve it in a glass of water and boil. Filter and store. Drink this before meals twice a day. This will simulate regularity in the menstruation cycle. The menstruation-related problems will get cured.
A medicine for ulcer can also be made using radish.
Radish and curd
Prepare 50-100 milliliter of radish juice. Mix this with a spoon of curd. Take this in the early morning on an empty stomach. This will cure ulcer, white-dissipation, and piles. This also prevents cancer. It also cures the irritation in the urinary canal. IT dissolves the stones formed in the kidney and removes them.
Radidish has several medicinal properties. It helps the men increase the production of sperm. It cures the menstruation problems for women. It can also neutralize the gall or pitta.
A medicine for curing white spots on the skin can be made using radish.
Radish and ginger.
Take a spoon of radish seeds powder.Mix it with ginger juice. Apply this paste on the places of skin with white spots. They will disappear.
While it serves us a tasty vegetable in our daily cooking, radish is also an excellent medical cure. It removes the toxic elements. Taking some quantity of radish leaves will help generate urine better. It dissolves inflammation.
Taking radish, which is readily available in the market, really helps to good health.
Another medicine can be made for cough/cold/ sneezing:
Thoddhuvalai (Tamil English: Solanum trilobatum or Purple-fruited pea eggplant), pepper, and honey
Mix equal quantities of Thoodhuvalai, pepper, and honey. Dissolve in water and drink. Frequent sneezing/cough will get cured.