Aadhar card is to be made compulsory to attend counselling for admission to engineering courses in Anna university from this academic year.
Among the students who complete +2, those seeking admission in engineering courses may prefer to join B.E or B.Tech courses in any of the over 550 engineering colleges affiliated to Anna university
As the main part of this admission process, counselling sessions are conducted by Anna university on behalf of the Tamil Nadu state government.
The date for application and registration for this academic year is to be announced shortly.
A council headed by the secretary for students admission, professor Indumathi is already engaged in these activities.
A new software has been installed to facilitate easy and simple, and quick online registration by the students.
This activity is being supervised by the state minster for higher education, Anbazhagan, secretary Paliwal, and the university registrar, Ganesan.
Now, the scheme has made to make Aadhar card details compulsory for the students registering for counselling.
The methodology to implement this is being devised. A new digital format called national academic repository has been created. The central government has insisted that Anna univesity must register all the details of the certificate and Aadhar card of each student.
Aadhar card is being utilised for the purpose of obtaining scholarship as well. Aadhar card will help verification of the details given by the students applying for scholarships.
Accordingly, as per the information from the department of the higher education circles, it is gathered that Anna university has decided to make Aadhar card compulsory for counselling.