Kumari Palany & Co

Severity of summer - schools closing early for vacation

Posted on: 06/Apr/2017 5:58:53 PM
Some schools have decided to close for summer vacation earlier this year as the intensity of summer heat has been already quite severe.

Under the Samacheer Kalvi scheme, the public examinations for 10th Standard and +2 are completed and the checking of answer sheets has already started. The examinations for +1 is also over.

It had been planned earlier that the examinations for other classes to be continued and completed by 29th April after which the summer vacation was to start.

However, with the intensity of heat already being very high in the early period this summer, some private schools have decided to advance the summer vacation. In many school complexes, the open spaces are seen to be barren and empty, devoid of trees and plants because of the effects of the cyclone Vadra. Because of the heat level is felt higher inside the classrooms. Also, water shortage is faced in many schools. Thus the school administration is put to some hardship. With these reasons, the officials of the education department agreed to the proposal of the schools to advance the summer vacation.

Thus, many private schools are set to announce the closure of summer vacation before 14th April and are expediting the progress of the annual examinations.

For all the government schools under the department of the education, the annual examination for classes from 6th to 9th started day-before-yesterday (Tuesday, 4th April). The examinations will get completed on 21st April and then the schools will close for summer vacation.

There is a requirement of minimum 220 days of work in a year in the schools under the department of primary education. So, the district officials have asked these schools to conduct the annual examinations till 29th April.

The secretary of the Tamil Nadu graduate teachers federation explained that the officials must examine the possibility to close schools earlier considering the intensity of summer, especially for the young children in primary schools. Also, as many of the schools are in rural areas, it is rather difficult for the children to travel long distances to attend school.