Kumari Palany & Co

Facility to make corrections in smart ration card through app and internet

Posted on: 18/Apr/2017 2:40:33 PM
The facility for the public to make corrections in the ration card had already been arranged through the internet and smartphones even before the issue of smart ration cards.

The objective is to make smart ration cards free of any errors and with clear details.

There are 1.97 Crore family ration cards in the state of Tamil Nadu. These cards were distributed in the year 2005. These cards have not been renewed. The practice of attaching additional sheets was being followed.

Presently, the old ration cards are being replaced with new smart ration cards from 1st April. The distribution of new smart ration cards was inaugurated by the Tamil Nadu Chief Minister E. Palanisamy on 1st April.

The smart ration cards are being printed and distributed in the respective regions. A target has been set by the department of food to issue all smart ration cards before end July.

So far, 9 lakh electronic smart ration cards have been distributed.

Most electronic smart ration cards have been printed. Printing is done only after checking and verifying entered details.

So far, about 40 Lakh smart ration cards have been dispatched for distribution to different districts. Out of this, 9 Lakh smart ration cards have been distributed and the details registered.

In Chennai, the distribution of smart ration cards is set to start in the next 2 days and the target is to complete the distribution in the earliest possible time.

As far as any correction to be carried out in the smart ration card details, there is no need to visit PDS shop or the office of the Assistant collectors. The ration card holders, by themselves, can make use of the app or internet facility to make the necessary corrections.

Meanwhile, the cards where the photographs and other data are not clear have been separated and kept as a set to carry out the necessary corrections. The facility has been arranged to correct. The list of these cards has been intimated to the respective ration shops. This list has been displayed on the notice board in the shop. If cell phone details are given, the news about correcting facility is informed through SMS.

Those who want to do the corrections through the internet can visit the website: www.tnpds.gov.in. Enter the consumer section and the cell phone number and then carry out the changes in photo or names. This correction can also be carried out on the cell phone itself by using the app.