Kumari Palany & Co

Weather Bureau warning: do not venture outside in the noon

Posted on: 04/May/2017 10:47:29 AM
It has been warned that with the peak of the summer already started (Agni Nakshatram), the possibilities of ultra-violet rays may be more intense.

Normally, the ultraviolet rays from the sun pass through the ozone layer, where it is checked and then radiates to earth.

If affected by ultraviolet rays, there are possibilities of cancer attack and loss of eyesight.

The Indian Weather Bureau has informed that the index of the ultraviolet rays crossed 11 in the last 2 weeks of scorching summer. It has noted that the impact/intensity of heat will be maximum between 12.00 PM and 3.00 PM. During this period, the ultraviolet radiation may be the strongest. So, it has warned the people not to venture going out in the sun between 12.00 PM to 3.00 PM.