Kumari Palany & Co

Outer Ring Road in the city to go green

Posted on: 04/May/2017 12:38:49 PM
The outer ring road in Chennai will soon get a green belt throughout its 60 km stretch between Vandalur and Minjur, as traditional species saplings of trees are getting planted. A space for public reserve corridor is reserved. This lies between two sides of the road.
Over 11,900 saplings of Thiruvaagai, Pungai, Neem and Vengai are planted here so as to bring an eco-balance. A college has sponsored 1200 of these saplings and the Forest Department has sponsored for 3000 saplings.
These works began a few months ago. In another few months, the entire works will get wrapped up. The saplings are sourced continuously. These saplings are protected from stray cattle using tree guards. In the entire stretch, there are many such stray cattle, an official of the Tamil Nadu Road Development Company said.
In addition to serving against pollution, trees are also being planted at a distance of 6-8m intended to prevent wash away of topsoil at times of heavy downpour. This will also help preserve groundwater.
The medians are being planted with more than 35,000 Arali plants. These plants have very high resistance to pollution. Cows don’t eat these plants. They are most commonly seen on highways. Officials say that contractors are engaged in these planting works.