The Chennai district collector V. Anbuselvan has informed that the safety inspection/fitness audit for all school vehicles will be conducted in 5 locations in Chennai from 16th May to 22nd May.
It has been decided to conduct the safety inspection and fitness audit for all the school vehicles in the Chennai Metro city as per the Tamil Nadu Traffic Special Laws-2012.
Accordingly, the vehicle inspection will be conducted in 5 locations as per the schedule below:
16th May – Tondiarpet – North Beach Road
17th May – Nandanam Arts College
18th May – Kolathur DRG Hospital (Front)
19th May – Raja Annamalai Chenttinadu Vidyashram School
22nd May – Chetpet – Madras Christian High School
Inspection of 571 school vehicles will be carried out. Traffic officers, Police Deputy Commissioner, Education Department Officers will be participating in the inspection.
So, the school administrators are requested to send all their school vehicles for inspection as per the schedule above with date and place.
The Chennai district collector has warned that stringent action will be taken as per rules on the schools which fail to comply.