Kumari Palany & Co

What is Google Lens and what can it do to you?

Posted on: 24/May/2017 12:43:53 PM
There are many products and services introduced at the I/O 2017 developer conference. This includes Google Lens, a latest technology on Android smartphones.
Google Lens is powered by AI. It makes use of the smartphone camera and deep machine learning for detecting objects and understanding what it has detected. Based on this, it will provide actions.
Get a deeper understanding of Google Lens below:
Google Lens is more or less the same as Samsung’s Bixby Vision that was introduced in its Galaxy S8 model. Google Lens has super-powered vision of Google.
With this, users can do things by pointing the smartphone camera towards an object. Say, you are pointing the camera at some apparel, Google Lens will observe it and give you suggestions about the nearby apparel store.
What else can Google Lens do?
Google Lens can do a lot more too! By focusing the camera on the SSID sticker present at the backside of the router, your smartphone will get instantly connected to the router’s Wi-Fi network without wanting you to set up the password or do other stuff. Yeah, that’s right, there is no need of connecting to the internet using passwords that you often forget!
Google Lens can also observe the surroundings and recognize clubs, cafes, restaurants, stores and others and intimate you about their reviews, address, working time, and so on.
What are the apps Google Lens can get associated with?
To start with, at the time of launch, Google can associate with Google Assistant and Google Photos and the rest of the apps will follow one by one.
Users can turn on Google Assistant and gain access to Google Lens. Within this, you can point the camera at show time of cinema or venue information, for instance.