Becoming well versed in mathematics and its concepts will be an added advantage to shine in career and complete schooling.
To take up high-school courses, one has to attain a specific level of competency. So, here we have some tips on how to improve math skills:
Comprehend with math concepts
The student has to understand all math concepts. If not, math will be a mere mental exercise of memorizing the rules and regulations. Make your children manipulate objects for figuring out the math concepts. They may add pile of blocks when they learn addition.
Master basic facts
Children should first of all master the basic facts. Children should be able to give answers within seconds. There should be significant drill for the children to make quick responses. You may make use of flash cards for teaching them the basic concepts. To identify the answers, make them layout objects and solve math problems.
Neatly write the numbers
One-fourth of the math errors can easily be solved when sloppy number writing is tracked. Take efforts to improve number writing skills. You may ask your child to trace over the numbers you have written. To neatly align numbers, you may use a graph paper.
Help whenever needed
In mathematics, you will build upon concepts that you had previously learned. For instance, you can learn decimals only when you learn percents well.
If a teacher is unable to help your children, provide the help yourself or use a tutor or learning center.
Math homework handling
You can reinforce math skill by asking your child perform math homework. To start with, he should start studying the textbook and practice on worksheets. Then, these examples should be redone before they start with the assignment by themselves.
Work on more than the assignments
Practicing is very important to improve math skill. If the teacher keeps giving only even problems, you may choose to give odd ones so that the skill sets get strengthened. The child can develop confidence by spending more time in honing skills.
Word problem solving
For being able to solve problems, you should literally solve problems. Give a word problem and tell the child to solve it. Make the child draw picture for describing it. You should make the child to easily understand the various steps involved in the problem. You may give suggestions on substitutes of larger numbers with smaller ones.
Mathematics vocabulary
It is imperative for the child to understand mathematics vocabulary. Help them understand various math terms. You may use models and simple problems to affirm that he has understood the terms used.
Mind mathematics
Mental math is one of the ways to easy problem solving. This should be recommended to kids rather than using pen and pencil or calculator. Tell them when is the ideal time to use mental math.
Math should be a part of life
You should make your child understand the importance of math in day to day life. Give them practical ways of implementing math. For example, tell them to plant new saplings at equidistance a and pay bills at shops, and so on.