As a drastic move by the University Grants Commission, the top 50 ranked varsities that has NAAC score of 3.5 are likely to be turned autonomous. These will thus have the freedom of starting any new course or department without any sort of approval by the commission. These can obtain funding from central or private agencies or appoint qualified foreign faculties out of 20 percent of their total strength. Up to 20 percent foreign students can be admitted as per their own fee structure.
According to the latest UGC regulation, the universities that fall under the top 50 National Institute Ranking Framework list for about 2 years consecutively, or those having National Assessment and Accreditation Council score of 3.5 or more will be categorized under Category 1. These will be eligible for complete autonomy. The universities that have 3.01-3.49 NAAC score or those with 51-100 NIRF ranking in two continuous years shall be categorized as category 2 and it will come with restricted autonomy. The other universities that neither fall the category 1 nor category 2 will not be eligible for autonomy at all.
Those varsities with very poor rating shall be warned. When they do not buck up within 5 years, these will be moved to category 3.