Kumari Palany & Co

How to care for your eyes properly?

Posted on: 14/Jun/2017 4:22:04 PM
This is an age of bright white screens – be it your smartphone or the laptop, we ought to use these gadgets as an integral part of day to day activities. According to ophthalmologists, you can avoid computer vision syndrome by giving enough rest to your eyes often.
Your eyes will be subject to strain and vision will get temporarily blurred due to consistent viewing of computer or smartphone screen. You can help your eyes be safe by looking at some distant object often amidst your work.
You may deeply close your eyes for a few minutes in every half an hour. This will keep your eyes well moisturized and lubricated.
Makeup debris may harm:
While applying kajal or attaching lashes, you should be careful in the waterlines. According to experts, the debris out of makeup products you use will get trapped in the outer layer of eyes and result in eye problems. There are remedies though! You may use antibiotic drops to keep your eyes protected.
Don’t blame your specs:
It is recommended that you change your specs for every few years. However, they do no harm to your eyesight. It in fact aids you in seeing better. Changes in eyesight happen only with aging.
No smoking:
The risk of macular degeneration upticks because of your smoking habit. What is macular degeneration? For those who do not know, it is a causative process of blindness. The tiny blood vessels present in retina and optic nerve get damaged as you smoke. It can harm the internal parts of your eyes and result in eyesight loss.
Never wear your lenses overnight:
It may be that your lens pack contains a ‘good to use at night’ clause. You should however never use your lens at night, alert doctors. It is highly important to care for your eyes properly. If undone, you may have to face the serious consequences of loss of eyesight. Overnight, the lens has to be soaked in a disinfectant solution. You should touch your lens only with squeaky clean hands and have it stored in a clean case only.