Kumari Palany & Co

Which is better to buy - used car or a new one?

Posted on: 11/Sep/2017 11:50:23 AM
When an individual decides to buy a car, he/she has a lot of questions before taking action – When to buy? Whether to buy a used car or a new one? Naturally, the price of the used car will be far less as compared to the price of a new car. Further, there are some additional beneficial aspects of buying a used car.

The Indian car market has grown phenomenally and has undergone a big change. New manufacturers have entered this arena and plenty of new models are being introduced every day. This has enhanced the range of selection for the prospective buyers, Moreover, there is a substantial change in the market for old car sales as well.

Generally, the used cars are considered as old cars, naturally. When they come up for sales, they come under the bracket – `Second hand’ cars. Though the prices will be reasonably less, there may be a few negative aspects also.

Because of the huge transformation in the car market in the country, a trend has come up where even new cars are being sold as old cars. This system is known as ‘pre-owned’ cars. Many companies buy these cars, conduct thorough checks, confirm their performance and then sell them with the necessary certificates. Further, the buyer can enter into a maintenance contract with the seller.

So, individuals who are interested in buying a car can better thoroughly explore the avenue of buying old or used cars. Their prices are considerably less and also they come with the necessary certificate and guarantee for performance. Also, the trend to change cars frequently is very much in vogue in today’s lifestyle, it is very much possible to buy almost new car which had been in use only for a few months.

Generally, the price of the old or used car can be fixed at 50% or less as compared to the price of new cars. Also, it is also quite possible, that the car model preferred may not be available in the market. However, in the used car market, all models are available. Further, the concept of depreciation associated while buying a new car is not applicable when buying a used car.

Moreover, while opting to buy a used car, the stress experienced while buying a new car and the many unanswered questions in mind may not be as intense when buying a new car. Another point to note that while buying a new car, additional expenses need to be made. However, this aspect does not apply while preferring to buy an old car.