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Incredible benefits of yogurt

Posted on: 24/Sep/2017 10:43:53 AM
What is yogurt? It is basically a fermented, coagulated milk product where strains of bacteria grow within in controlled state.

By introducing just a wee bacterial culture to lukewarm milk, a completely unique product will be achieved. It thus becomes a nice silky, but firm product.

With high protein and fat content, you get thick and firm yogurt. Yogurt made out of buffalo milk will be firmer as compared to yogurt produced out of cow milk.

There are dairy yogurt and non-dairy yogurt available these days.

Usually, we achieve yogurt from soy, coconut, almonds, peanut milk etc that have rich protein content. Vegans and people with poor lactose or milk allergy can consume it in large amount.

Here are some of the health benefits that come with yogurt

In India, yogurt is mostly had along with rice as a main meal. This is however had based on climatic conditions and availability in different areas. Most parts of southern India where rice is had will include more yogurt along with spicy pickle.

In a few parts of India, people have yogurt for breakfast. It can also be used as a dessert to make savory dishes. In its raw form, it may serve as the basis of a dish or may be it is an element of a cooked dish.

Similar to coconut or rice flour or gram flour that are used to thicken gravies, yogurt can also be used as a thickening agent. Or it may also be used as a dip by bringing down its water content from yogurt.
  • Yogurt has rich calcium and vitamin D content. Hence it strengthens your entire skeletal system, bones and teeth.
  • It also helps in maintaining normal blood pressure
  • It is a rich source of vitamin as it includes Riboflavin, vitamin B5 and B12 that aids in regulating red blood cells and our body’s nervous system.
  • It can keep our digestion process healthy.
  • Stomach ulcer can be prevented by consuming yogurt.
  • It also helps in enhancing immunity
  • It is rich in easily digestible protein
  • It can also reduce cholesterol level in blood
  • Before and after tedious physical workout, you may consume fruit smoothies made with curd
  • You may also add enough water to it and make butter milk that can help you with weight loss as it is a rich source of nutrients.
Nature-gifted beauty product

Using yogurt as a face mask is also a popular practice. It helps in cleansing your face and kills dead cells, reduces wrinkles, exfoliates and rejuvenates your skin and make it glowing and look youthful.

It can also soften your hair and add radiance and volume to it. You can prevent dandruff and hair loss by regular use of yogurt on hair.

Toss some fresh or dry fruits, add some sweetening agents, nuts, chocolates and fruit sauce to make frozen desserts. As compared to ice creams, this kind of dessert come with awesome taste and it is healthier as well.

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