The districts of North and interior Tamil Nadu have been witnessing good rains in contrast with the rain over the southern districts of the state. In fact, the Nungambakkam Observatory in Chennai has been witnessing good rains from the last many days. While rains have not been recorded by the Minambakkam Observatory from almost last 3-4 days.
The reason for these rains remains a north-south trough which is extending from Maharashtra to interior Tamil Nadu across South Interior Karnataka.
As per Skymet Weather, now, a feeble cyclonic circulation is seen over southwest Bay of Bengal off Tamil Nadu coast. Moreover, an east-west trough is also expected to form from this cyclonic circulation up to interior Tamil Nadu. Thus, scattered light to moderate rains is expected to continue in many parts of the state particularly in the interior and north coastal areas.
Chennai may also receive light to moderate rains for the next 2-3 days. Thereafter, the weather is expected to become dry over the capital of the state and other districts of Tamil Nadu. However, districts of South Tamil Nadu such as Pamban, Tuticorin, Kanyakumari, Palayamkottai, Tondi are likely to continue witnessing dry weather for at least another week.
In the month of October, Chennai usually records 315.6 mm and as on today, the state capital has recorded 108 mm of rains. However, some good rains are essential for Chennai to be able to surpass its daunting monthly target in the remaining days of the month.